How Insurance Can Be Used for Retirement Planning

When people think of life insurance, the first thing that may come to mind is ensuring your loved ones are covered enough should something happen to you. It is a concern that more than half of all Americans consider, with at least 52% of them covered by life insurance in 2023 according to LIMRA. However, […]

Don’t Believe These Inflation Myths: Clearing Up Common Misconceptions

The primary cause of inflation is an increase in the money supply. It is generally measured in one of two ways: by analyzing the consumer price index (CPI) calculated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). The most popular way […]

Cash as an Investment: Navigating the Changing Landscape Amid Future Fed Rate Cuts

For investors, cash and cash-like investments have been unusually attractive over the past two years, offering a safe haven with surprisingly robust returns. This appeal was primarily driven by the Federal Reserve’s aggressive interest rate hikes, a measure aimed at combating inflation. High-yield options such as Certificates of Deposit (CDs), money-market funds, and other similar […]

Asking for Help Is a Strength, Not a Weakness. Here Are 10 Ways a Financial Professional Can Assist You

Often, there is a misconception that seeking financial help indicates incompetence or lack of financial self-sufficiency. However, seeking help is the exact opposite. High-performing individuals who excel in their respective fields adopt a more pragmatic approach – they understand the importance and benefits of employing a financial professional’s services. Seeking the help of a professional […]

Improving Your Financial Literacy Can Improve Your Business

Financial literacy is essential for your personal financial health and even more crucial for the financial health of your small business. Being a small business owner comes with many responsibilities, one of which is maintaining the company’s finances and helping keep it on track toward a solid financial future. Whether you are just starting to […]

The Growth vs. Value Conundrum in 2024

Choice between value and growth as interest rates decline is not clear-cut In the world of investing, the eternal debate between growth and value continues to captivate the minds of investors. As we navigate through 2024, the question looms large: Will growth once again reign supreme over value, especially in the backdrop of the widely […]

Maximizing Wealth: 5 Ways a Financial Professional May Help Propel High Earners Towards High-Net-Worth Status

The journey to prosperity involves more than just a high income. It requires strategic planning, wise investment decisions, and a keen understanding of your financial landscape. On Financial Professional Day, explore how working with a financial professional could be a game-changer on your path toward a higher net worth. Tailored Financial Planning One-size-fits-all approaches rarely […]

Steady Federal Reserve Rates are Good for Us

It’s a calculated strategy to help ensure long-term stability for the economy A topic of recent interest among investors is the Federal Reserve’s decision to maintain current interest rates, rather than pursuing a lowering strategy. While this may initially seem like a cause for concern, a closer examination reveals that steady rates have significant benefits […]

Don’t Forget to File! 8 Tax Filing Tips to Help Mitigate the Stress

If you hear the term HENRYs mentioned during a financial conversation, you may or may not be familiar with the fairly new acronym. It stands for “High Earners, Not Yet Rich,” or another way to describe them is “high earners with little to no savings,” or the “working rich.” If individuals that are big spenders […]

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